Focus on reading
inkBOOK Focus Plus takes care of everything else

Paperlike display
Read on the E Ink screen for hours without eye strain.
Apps you’ll love
Enjoy the best resources: Cantook, ePagine, Skoobe, Onleihe, Nextory, Kindle, Wattpad and more.
Evening reading comfort
Adjust the screen brightness and color to your preferences.
E-books, audiobooks, newspapers
Read, listen, and browse articles without limits.
File variety
EPUB, MOBI, PDF, or TXT – choose from multiple formats.
Easy e-book download
Use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, applications, transfer via SD card.
Paperlike display
Read on the E Ink screen for hours without eye strain.
Apps you’ll love
Enjoy the best resources: Cantook, ePagine, Skoobe, Onleihe, Nextory, Kindle, Wattpad and more.
Evening reading comfort
Adjust the screen brightness and color to your preferences.

E-books, audiobooks, newspapers
Read, listen, and browse articles without limits.
File variety
EPUB, MOBI, PDF, or TXT – choose from multiple formats.
Easy e-book download
Use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, applications, transfer via SD card.

Sigue el ritmo de tu lectura diaria
Con una nueva interfaz de usuario, un alto rendimiento y una mayor duración de la batería podrás centrarte en lo que más importa: leer y escuchar tus títulos favoritos.

Un lector a la medida de tus exigencias de lectura
Disfruta de una lectura sin distracciones, para que cada momento con un libro se convierta en un auténtico placer.
Light or dark? You decide
Change your e-reader interface with one click! You prefer reading in classic light mode? Or maybe you’re a fan of black backgrounds with white text? E-reader inkBOOK Focus Plus keeps up with you for comfortable reading.

Texto más grande al instante
Dile adiós al texto pequeño e ilegible. Ajusta el tamaño del texto en pantalla. Elige el tipo de letra de la lista disponible o carga tu favorito en el lector. Lee de la forma que más te guste.
Siente la comodidad de la lectura electrónica
Deje que la función de texto a voz (TTS) lea sus libros electrónicos en voz alta. Con el inkBOOK Focus Plus, también puede ajustar el interlineado y el tamaño de los márgenes para una experiencia de lectura más personalizada y cómoda.

Boring graphics on your e-reader screen? Not this time! Upload your favourite images and set them as your device's screensaver. Every time you turn off the screen, you’ll get to admire how beautifully your e-reader looks with the image you’ve chosen.
inkBOOK Focus Plus e-Reader - Technical Specifications
* Actual storage may vary depending on pre-installed software.
*reading 30 min. per day with WiFi and Bluetooth off, backlight on at lowest brightness. Third-party applications may significantly reduce usage time.
*©2018 Google LLC. All rights reserved. Google Translate is a trademark of Google LLC.
inkBOOK EUROPE Sp. z o.o. ul. Ostrowskiego 7, 53-238 Wroclaw, Poland